Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ColorblindExt (Firefox extension for colorblinds)

Colorblindness is the inability to perceive differences between some or all colors that other people can distinguish.

According to medical reports, around 8% of people in world are colorblind, which is a considerable number.

Internet is a vast source of information. Many Web sites are not developed keeping colorblind people in mind. Colorblind people find it difficult to browse the web for a long period of time and they also, are not able to recognize the meaning of some images present on the Web pages.
Our main aim is to help as many colorblind people as possible. For this we have come up with a Firefox add-on "ColorblindExt".

This extension personalizes Web browser for colorblind people. The user will undergo a test, which will verify and then identify colorblindness of that person, when he/she uses our Web browser for the first time. This test is Ishihara test for colorblindness detection, which is conducted on the browser only. If the user has any kind of colorblindness, then our project personalizes the web browser by applying appropriate filters, which helps the user distinguish colors better. Thus our project helps the colorblind people browse the Web efficiently.

Many people complain about eye strain and headaches, while browsing Web for a long period. Most of these are colorblind, but due to unawareness they either ignore the problem or are not able to figure out the reason behind it. Also due to inability to perceive difference between colors, they often loose valuable information.

Our objective is to create awareness about colorblindness and help colorblind people to browse the Web effectively. With the use of filtered Web pages, user should feel the ease of browsing. This in turn should increase the throughput of that person.

Following is the url to download ColorblindExt:

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